e shtunë, 8 maj 2010

Sikuai Island, cradles but Abandoned

It took about 50 minutes, if the weather is good, to get to the island which is located in District Sikuai Bungus Kabung Bay, city of Padang, West Sumatra. Travel to the island can be reached from the pier Sikuai Maritime Tour with a speed boat ride, owned by PT Abadi Wijaya which owns and operates the only resort on the island, namely the New Sikuai Island Resorts


Tiba di bandara Polonia Medan anda akan dijemput oleh perwakilan kami dan langsung meninggalkan Medan menuju Brastagi (sekitar 2 jam perjalanan), kota yang berhawa sejuk dengan pemandangan pegunungan yang indah. Dilanjutkan ke Peceran, sebuah desa dengan sejumlah rumah tradisional yang sampai sekarang masih digunakan, dan menuju pasar buah di Brastagi. Setelah itu check-in hotel.

e premte, 7 maj 2010

Travel may go bankrupt

Padang-Bukittinggi travel companies threatened by bankruptcy, if the path Anai Valley are still tense due to ongoing landslides threatened.
In addition to diminishing trip, passengers are also afraid to travel either from or to Padang Padang. Since the landslide that hit Anai Valley path some time ago, the travel company admitted turnover decreased by 50 percent.

Road contruction to Siti Nurbaya will continues this Year

Construction of the road to the region 'grave' Siti Nurbaya severed since the monetary crisis in 1998, will be continued again this year. Construction of roads with a length of about 5 kilo meters it will spend billions rupiahs.

Padang Tourism Office will Add Daily Workers

Padang beach never be separated from garbage. Because the beach is the pride of the people of Padang were surrounded two river estuaries. To anticipate this, Padang City Tourism Office will increase the number of daily workers in charge of cleaning the waste.

e martë, 4 maj 2010

Lake Maninjau improvement

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Post a devastating earthquake 30 September 2009, which devastated the beauty of the lake Maninjau especially in the West coast area that still has not decided terbenahi because embankment landslide main road did not dampen Maninjau salingka lake Agam regency commitment to continue to fix the tourism potential.

Payakumbuh will build green space at the Middle River

Green open space (RTH) in the middle of Sungai Batang Agam not far from the Ratapan Ibu Payakumbuh brigde be built in the 2010 budget year. Construction is funded with the budget of West Sumatra.
The Head of Dinas PU Cipta Karya Payakumbuh, Irwandi, BE said, the development of green space through the study had been done by consultants. Having analyzed the technical areas of the island (high ground, Red) in the middle of Batang Agam only about 10 yards from the Wailing Bridge Tugu Ibu fit improved with RTH.
Funds for that call Iswandi already available. Side with the provincial administration was preparing a tender process open green space. "Hopefully around May or June can be auctioned," he said.
Green space development in the region Batang Agam river will synergize with the Parks and Tugu Ratapan Ibu. Ratapan Ibu Bridge have history records for Payakumbuh. On that bridge hundreds of fighters shot dead the Netherlands and Japan, while upholding and maintaining independence.
But for this location Ratapan Ibu Monument Park at the bridge is less visited Batang Agam community. Thus although historically valuable but no attraction to visit. The presence of green space called Iswandi, believed to have traction in the future. Because the green space will be equipped with a green and shady parks. In addition to a representative for the canteen sells a variety of typical cuisine Payakumbuh. (*)
Translate from padang today

Padang Target 2 Million Tourists

The government of Padang, West Sumatra Province targeting two million people visit the domestic and foreign tourists this year. "Target is expected to be achieved related to the Tour de Singkarak 2010 will be held in West Sumatra at 1 to 6 June 2010 which will be followed by 500 local and foreign participants," said Head of Culture and Tourism (BUDPAR) of Padang, Edi Hasyimi in Padang, Thursday (04/29/2010).
Padang is optimistic to reach the target of the visit.
- Edi Hasyimi
If the 500 participants of an international bicycle race that brought an official, his family then the tourists who will visit will increase. Moreover, foreign participants were invited from as many as 25 countries, it also brings relatives or family members, then the number of tourists who visit was also added.
"Padang optimistic it can reach the target of the visit, especially in a 'tour de Singkarak' star Padang as a place of commencement of prestigious international competitions that will be frequently visited by tourists," she said.
In addition, the number of local and foreign tourists visit the city of Padang will be linked to the July 2010 increase digelarnya dragon boat race (Jumat canoe) in Padang. Activities are held each year, he said, will also be followed by participants from seven countries.
According to data from BUDPAR city of Padang, indicate the number of local and foreign tourist visits recorded as many as 1.6 million by the year 2008 and increased to 1.7 million by the year 2009. Increase in traffic caused by an earthquake measuring 7.9 Richter menguncang Sumatra on 30 September 2009 so the number of foreign volunteers who provide humanitarian aid could be counted as a tourist.
In addition to providing humanitarian aid tourists who come to West Sumatra also learn, work while enjoying the beauty of a tourist attraction city of Padang, and numerous other objects of interest in the counties and cities in West Sumatra.
Padang has a variety of objects of cultural tourism, arts and natural landscapes such as the coast of Padang, Sweet Water Beach is known as the Batu Malin Kundang, Sungai Batang Muaro, Panorama of Padang, Bung Hatta Forest botanical garden, the fishing village of Sungai Pisang, and Bungus Bay sackcloth, and others.
translate from travelkompas.com

Padang Photo Slide Show