Construction of the road to the region 'grave' Siti Nurbaya severed since the monetary crisis in 1998, will be continued again this year. Construction of roads with a length of about 5 kilo meters it will spend billions rupiahs.
"Construction of the road to the area Siti Nurbaya first opened in 1996, but lost because of the crisis. Now the street will be rebuilt. Its budget has also signed a contract. The road will be up to Mount Field, "said Head of West Sumatra Road infrastructures, Dody Ruswandi, told reporters at the Governor's Office, Monday (2 / 2).
He said that the continuation of the path to regional development 'grave' Siti Nurbaya funds around Rp19 billion. Meanwhile, Siti Nurbaya Bridge construction funds formerly spent around Rp20 billion.
"Budget funds for the roads to these areas Nurbaya Siti, paving roads included in the package of diarrhea," said Dody.
He said that the continuation of the path to regional development 'grave' Siti Nurbaya funds around Rp19 billion. Meanwhile, Siti Nurbaya Bridge construction funds formerly spent around Rp20 billion.
"Budget funds for the roads to these areas Nurbaya Siti, paving roads included in the package of diarrhea," said Dody.
According to him, the release of the tourist area of road to be coordinated with the government of Padang. Likewise with the land compensation of communities affected by road construction are also coordinated with the City Administration. Only a few regions are unresolved, such as the removal of the Chinese cemetery.
He also explained that the end of this year opening the way to the tourist area can begin. And early 2010 road can be paved. Continuation of development road use budget funds. While the route through the region, from the bridge Siti Nurbaya, the road will be paved along the Batang Arau to the end and went up to Mount Padang. With the completion of the road is expected to bring positive impact to the development of world tourism in West Sumatra.
He also explained that the end of this year opening the way to the tourist area can begin. And early 2010 road can be paved. Continuation of development road use budget funds. While the route through the region, from the bridge Siti Nurbaya, the road will be paved along the Batang Arau to the end and went up to Mount Padang. With the completion of the road is expected to bring positive impact to the development of world tourism in West Sumatra.
First, the flyover towards object-jack Padang mountain tourism in the region that, among other aims, as an alternative arterial road into the port which also support the Gulf Bayur non-oil exports. In addition to supporting the Creation of new areas, as well as enhance the community and stimulate economic growth in the city of Padang.
Grave Siti Nurbaya not actually exist on a small hill at the edge of the sea. Siti Nurbaya is a fictional character in romannya Marah Rusli, "Siti Nurbaya, no Until Love." Drawing on that story later, the society gradually convinced there was a grave Siti Nurbaya
Grave Siti Nurbaya not actually exist on a small hill at the edge of the sea. Siti Nurbaya is a fictional character in romannya Marah Rusli, "Siti Nurbaya, no Until Love." Drawing on that story later, the society gradually convinced there was a grave Siti Nurbaya
Translate from: Harian Singgalang Padang
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