e martë, 4 maj 2010

Payakumbuh will build green space at the Middle River

Green open space (RTH) in the middle of Sungai Batang Agam not far from the Ratapan Ibu Payakumbuh brigde be built in the 2010 budget year. Construction is funded with the budget of West Sumatra.
The Head of Dinas PU Cipta Karya Payakumbuh, Irwandi, BE said, the development of green space through the study had been done by consultants. Having analyzed the technical areas of the island (high ground, Red) in the middle of Batang Agam only about 10 yards from the Wailing Bridge Tugu Ibu fit improved with RTH.
Funds for that call Iswandi already available. Side with the provincial administration was preparing a tender process open green space. "Hopefully around May or June can be auctioned," he said.
Green space development in the region Batang Agam river will synergize with the Parks and Tugu Ratapan Ibu. Ratapan Ibu Bridge have history records for Payakumbuh. On that bridge hundreds of fighters shot dead the Netherlands and Japan, while upholding and maintaining independence.
But for this location Ratapan Ibu Monument Park at the bridge is less visited Batang Agam community. Thus although historically valuable but no attraction to visit. The presence of green space called Iswandi, believed to have traction in the future. Because the green space will be equipped with a green and shady parks. In addition to a representative for the canteen sells a variety of typical cuisine Payakumbuh. (*)
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