Post a devastating earthquake 30 September 2009, which devastated the beauty of the lake Maninjau especially in the West coast area that still has not decided terbenahi because embankment landslide main road did not dampen Maninjau salingka lake Agam regency commitment to continue to fix the tourism potential.
While there is no event that stands out, but the level of citizens to visit tourist area lakes Maninjau undiminished, evidenced every Saturday-Sunday holiday, especially at some point which has been the most preferred object.
Agam Regent Aristo Munandar after monitoring several objects in the tourism area of the lake Maninjau some time ago called, Agam regency through tourism department continues to encourage the early improvement of facilities damaged by the earthquake.
Even in the various events and moments, it continues to promote the existence of the lake Maninjau who need care and support of all circles, both efforts to encourage the development of tourism potential of civil society that have been reserved, will also need the support together to revive the community spirit of earthquake victims to normal activity.
Mentioned, Agam regency is currently the focus to fix the vital infrastructure damaged by floods and landslides, especially roads and bridges in the western coastal area of the lake Maninjau, including developing the township emergency intensive assisted by foreign NGOs.
"That's the key to re-turn the potential of tourism and economic activity Maninjau salingka lake," he said.
Admittedly, after the earthquake and then, economic activity is already running, but not completely normal because there are still some points that need serious attention, especially the township residents, because the West coast of the lake Maninjau set out in the red zone that should not be built new settlements.
Aristo Munandar specifically mentions, the institute continues to develop the tourist potential salingka mengenjot Maninjau lake, not only with the promotion but the schedule of social events which not only aims to promote tourism, culture, traditional arts as an unspeakable advantage Maninjau owned lakes, but also efforts provide support to the community to be able to carry out various activities to normal.
"That we did two last month and could make an impact in the effort to" turn on the "back lakes Maninjau potential," he said. [*]
Translate from Padangtoday
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