e shtunë, 3 korrik 2010

Train Tourism in Padang Abandoned

Five train made in PT INKA Madiun imported into West Sumatra since December last year has so far remained dormant. Head of Public Relations of PT KAI's Regional Division II West Sumatra, Syafrial Romeyo, Thursday (07/01/2010) said five train carriages that will dipoerasikan had been due to serve the tourist path Padang - Padang Panjang.
However, the collapse of the bridge on 134 DH 59 kilometers in the region as it headed toward District Sicincin Wood Planted, Padang Pariaman in March and then make a plan had been delayed.

Meanwhile, Secretary General of the Community Care of West Sumatra Railway Yulnofrins Napilus when contacted on the same day said that efforts to repair likely would be done by bringing your used similar bridge from Java 

Translated from : http://travel.kompas.com/read/2010/07/01/19452215/Kereta.Wisata.Terbengkalai.

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